
Meet the Cast: Jennifer White is The Chorus

Favourite moment in rehearsals?

I think one of my favourite moments was one of the very first. It was SCB (Secret Chorus Business) time. In fact, it was our very first rehearsal! We still didn't know each other and we had those 'first rehearsal' nerves and that sense of excitement. We were asked to wait outside and were told that when we heard the music and came into the room, the performance had started. There we were, waiting in the hallway with absolutely no idea what was going on! We walked into the room (I have no idea what the song was, but it was very funky!) to find chairs, a banana and a baseball bat. To make things even more interesting, one of the chorus members came in a bit later to find these three other people doing some very interesting things with the above mentioned items and just had to jump in with us! It was quite a start to the rehearsal process.

How is this production different?

I think this production is different because throughout the whole process, I have been part of what is an incredible group of people: the Chorus. Being a member of a chorus is such a unique experience. We have done so many activities and exercises that have challenged us as individuals, but which have allowed us to come together and work as this one (slightly crazy!) organism. 

Favourite song?

I'm not sure if it is my favourite song, but I definitely feel that I have got to know 'Burning Down the House' by Talking Heads remarkably well, Actually, I think my boyfriend, friend visiting from Canberra and the entire block of flats I live in have come to know it quite well (and never want to hear it again!). It is incredible to watch a clip that many times and learn it inside out, upside down and back to front! 

Experience of ritual?

I think being in this show has reminded me of the importance of the ritual, the sacred. The Greeks were all over it! We tend to ignore, forget about it and are far too busy for it or don't want to deal with it. I think it is something that we miss without even realising it.


See Jennifer in Phaedra from 17-26 July at Tap Gallery. 

Book now.



Meet the Cast: Katrina Rautenberg is Theseus

What was your favourite moment in rehearsals?

For me, harnessing the power and strength of a guy like Theseus has been an intimidating yet skill-expanding ride. To feel that power in your body is an experience that few women get to enjoy. So, the feeling of both intimidation and confidence that comes with playing a man has been a heady mix, and one I've enjoyed so far. 

A moment when you were like "Yes, I am making fucking art right now!"

I get this often when I'm at my best creatively. It could be anything - baking knock-out new biscuits, designing websites, mixing the perfect paint colour, experiencing a lightbulb moment on the crest of a high, realising a life lesson learnt, reviving an unloved object and giving it pride of place in my home. I get a kick out of those moments when, after a period of experimentation and play, things turn a corner and just...fall into place. Like it was there waiting the whole time. I get incredible satisfaction from those moments.

Favourite New Wave/Synthpop/Post-Punk/80s song?

Too many of them..."Broken Wings" by Mr Mister, The Neverending Story Theme Song, "Magic Dance" by David Bowie to name a few.

Experience of ritual or ritual transformation?

My husband and I were married about a year and a half ago, and during the time of our engagement I experienced a profound emotional change, which I can only describe as an intense deepening of commitment and appreciation of my new responsibility. I'm not sure how many people actually notice the change that goes through them when a relationship turns from "I could leave any time" to "This is mine and I will defend it with my life". I felt like a child in wonder. I urge everyone to take a moment to reflect on what they're experiencing in times like these. They're the moments that make us.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?

Define "falling in love". Define "shouldn't"! Either way, the answer is probably yes. I have a loving heart. It likes to explore.
But these days my heart is well and truly captured, and there's no "shouldn't" about it! Being in love is one of the best feelings I know. Thankfully I've been able to experience it in my lifetime without too much of the bitterness which is ultimately the demise of our heroine Phaedra. 

Most challenging line in the play?

"I wish they had not come into my mouth". Watch me make it work! :P

See Katrina in Phaedra from 17-26 July at Tap Gallery. 

Book now.



Meet the Cast: Danielle Baynes is Phaedra

Danielle Baynes.jpg

How is this production different?

Michael said early on in the process that we should really revel in the fact that we are underground theatre and so can do whatever we want. I think we have all taken that spirit on board and have created a show that is weird and wonderful and messy and powerful and maybe blissfully short for some – it only goes for ONE HOUR!!

Favourite moment so far in rehearsals?

Probably the first time we ran the show. It was a bit of a disastrous mess but I was able to see all of the work done by the Chorus in their ‘Secret Chorus Rehearsals’ and how much they elevated each scene. I’m also loving being lifted and manhandled by the Chorus in particular moments of Phaedra’s frenzy… Look, I think what I’m trying to say is, I just really wish I was in the Chorus.

Tell us about a peak artistic experience.

When my thought process in rehearsals was “Oh, that’s great the deer carcass will be set on the table, it means I can really grind up against it”

Favourite New Wave/Synthpop/Post-Punk artist or song?

Love the Divinyls, love Chrissy Amphlett – especially the "Pleasure and Pain" video. Her gaze is so intense and direct, each time I watch it I feel so guilty for screwing her over.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?

…the Chorus?

See Danielle as Phaedra from 17-26 July at Tap Gallery. Book now.



Meet the Cast: Nathaniel Scotcher is The Chorus

What's your favourite moment in the show?

The noise Cheyne makes when I break his neck.

What book that best describes you/your character?

Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite. 

Describe the rehearsal process.

It's like whacking a piñata at a party full of fancy people with opera glasses.

Tell us a secret.

Horror movies make me horny.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?

I fell in love with a crazy girl once and she punched me in tha face when I dumped her coz I'm a homo.

Do you eat meat?

I used to be a vegetarian but would secretly eat Oporto chicken burgers in my car.

Popular culture: discuss.

The Simpsons is the best TV show in history and I want to live in Edward-Scissorhands-land with Johnny Depp.

See Nathaniel in Phaedra from 17-26 July at Tap Gallery. Book now.



Meet the Cast: Melissa Brownlow is the Nurse

Favourite moment so far in rehearsals?

She seemed pretty into it at the time.

She seemed pretty into it at the time.

I personally really love the very first rehearsal where everyone is in the room reading the play of the first time, sharing ideas and talking about prospective designs concepts etc. 

And it was all downhill from there?

Well, right after the read, Michael wanted us to re-create a photo that was taken of the Star Wars cast during their first table read. As soon as he mentioned the idea, I knew I was in trouble. Haha, I’m kidding, the whole process has been fun.

... Let's move on. How is this production different?

We are incorporating a whole lot of really interesting and eclectic elements into this production from many different sources, which will bring a whole new dimension to a traditional story. I think that is really exciting.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t?

Of course. Who hasn’t?

Random questions! Number of productions of The Servant of Two Masters you’ve seen? 

At least four.

If you could only choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Cereal. Specifically Cheerios. Or strawberries. 


See Melissa in Phaedra from 17-26 July at Tap Gallery. Book now.



Meet the cast: Sinead Curry is the Chorus


What's been your favourite moment so far in rehearsals?

My favourite moment in rehearsals so far has been developing an incredible bond with my fellow Chorus members. They are one killer group of talented beings. I have especially loved developing our fluid kinesthetic response. We are like one organism. Limbs, if you will.

How is this production different?

Phaedra is unique. It's a doomed New Wave roller-coaster-tragedy-bloodbath. Sink your teeth in.

Tell us about a time you made art.

Our director, Michael, asked the chorus to lay on the floor in the dark - fully clothed, stay with me here - and make a freeform soundscape. It became primordial and animalistic. Our noises were wonderful art.

Favourite synth-pop song?

Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Eurythmics.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have?

Yes. Iggy Pop.

David Bowie and Iggy Pop.

David Bowie and Iggy Pop.

If you could be one 80s/New Wave/synthpop/post-punk artist, who would you pick and why?

I would choose Bowie, because, well, I mean.. have you SEEN the awesome silver ensemble he reprises in the promo for Ashes To Ashes? Also, "my mother said / to get things done / you'd better not mess with Major Tom" is one of my favourite loops of all time. ALSO he had an affair with Iggy Pop. Can I be Bowie now please?

Number of productions of Hamlet you've seen?

I've seen one production of Hamlet. It was Ewen Leslie's first night in the role at Belvoir last year. He performed as if it was the last thing he'd ever do, and I doubt I'll ever be as inspired by a performance again. I was weeping by the curtain call, as were all of the other audience members I could see. Grown men bawled. It was phenomenal.


See Sinead in Phaedra from 17-26 July at Tap Gallery. Book now.




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