Photo: Sasha Cohen.

Photo: Sasha Cohen.

With just over a week to go until Orpheus begins, it's time to talk to the incredible cast, whose skills, experience and passion are an essential part of this show. First up is Curly Fernandez.

What has been your favourite moment in rehearsals?

Working with Daniel's crutch.

What's been your experience of being an outsider?

Waiting for a sandwich in sandwich shop where Caucasians were served first.

Where do you consider to be home?

My family, my uke, and the stage

What would you do for your love?

Kill myself.

Don't do that. What musical instrument do you wish you were amazing at playing?

The tin whistle.

Photo: Sasha Cohen.

Photo: Sasha Cohen.

Tell us about a time you laughed inappropriately.

Um...every rehearsal.

See Curly in Orpheus at Blood Moon Theatre, 16-27 August. Get your tickets here.
